#156: Jesus no collect our PVC.

Yesterday was interesting.

If you have a lot of Christian people around you, you would have seen plenty of white backgrounds with Jesus written in a striking red font.

It started as a tweet by Nathaniel Bassey, and it blew up. First, it was ignored, but when it reached critical mass, it was attacked, and afterwards, more people joined based on the attack. And then, it moved from WhatsApp status to digital billboards.

I picked up a few lessons:

1. Influencers are powerful enough to drive adoption if the process of signing up is simple, and seamless, and they are seen to represent the "product" they are talking about. What started as a tweet/IG post, became an influential movement.

2. When you are too big to be ignored, stones will be thrown at you by people who cannot understand your actions but see everything you do from their own lens. Spread the fragrance of Jesus across the nation became: "Don't collect your PVC, be posting Jesus upandan", "People are attacking you with AK47, you are posting status" and so many others that you would have seen online.

People extrapolate things from their biases, and you would be shocked how your "Why" is far different from what people think it is.

3. It is difficult for people to follow you when you don't have a stand. Every major cause/Idea that has gone mainstream has people who are unapologetically pushing it. The more you try to become something to everyone, the more people are unclear if your brand equity is worth the association.

4. Leverage micro-influencers! They are powerful. Some people joined the trend when their pastors, cell leaders, teachers or someone they respected joined.

5. Conviction is an asset! If you can get people to believe in you or something, you can increase your product's lifetime value (LTV). Sell your Why. Apple & Nike struck gold with this a long time ago.

It's morning 😂! I can see this thing is already getting very academic.

Maybe another time, I will ask why people just feel the need to attack what they are not part of.

Do your own, make people do their own now, innit (so far you are not encroaching into another person's right or space)?

- O'gbemiro

My name is O'gbemiro 😌

Life's a playground, and I'm here to swing! This newsletter dives into my curious approach to navigating faith, work, relationships, and everything in between. Join me as we unpack lessons from everyday encounters and build a more vibrant perspective together.

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